Ngā Mataapuna Oranga is the primary health organisation providing support and direction for several Māori health providers in the Tauranga moana area. These are Te Manu Toroa, Waitaha Hauora, Pirirākau Hauora, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tamawhariua, Te Puna Hauora Ki Uta Ki Tai, and Ngā Kākano Foundation.
The kaupapa is based on providing hauora services to our whānau Māori within our rohe. It also extends to the Pasifika community and low-income families within the rohe.
Key to supporting the collective is establishing joint initiatives that promote healthy whānau, including ensuring our people have access to the necessary pēpi and tamariki immunisations, seasonal flu shots, Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR), as well as COVID-19 vaccines.